Monday 29 September 2014


jump bounce slip sweat fun leap 
Monday the 29th  me and my family went to leap my favourite part of leap was the foam  pit . You got to bounce onto a tramp and that leads to a foam pit by the next hour  it was time over we got out of the building and  we had a drink .time to hop in the car i hear my mum say .After that we went to macdonaldonalds 
uuuuu in so full then the day was over .

Wednesday 3 September 2014

Left behind bars and forgotten .animals should not behind bars walking back and forth over and over over.they will become more and more lazier . and build more and more diseases in there body's . Also that will course more deaths in the enclose .they are in a tight space so they cant escape the diseases .In the zoos they have very tight spaces but in the wild they can be free .There are Meany things that they can not do like climb swim and Meany other  things .Also people have to pay money to watch the Bord animals . DO YOU THINK THAT ANIMALS SHOULD BE IN ZOOS