Wednesday 3 December 2014


Dear Mother And Father
Merry christmas and a happy new year how is everybody.? Did you have a good christmas dinner?.  Here in the trenches it is cold , wet and damp. I have to sleep on cardboard  Here is the story about the christmas truce….

We all were in our trenches waiting wordley and then one of the soldiers slowly reached out and saw the other army and shouted WAR WAR SHOOT SHOOT.  Doing what they were told the other soldiers get ready to shoot but I Jim stand up rather shackley with my hands rather high in the air I said TRUCE TRUCE. So then the other army stopped and slowly came out of the trench

We all went to play a game of football. Out went the ball with a big kick i reach my hands up to the sky as i get a goal. My mouth widens with a big smile
My arms stretch up to the sky with a big smile on my face .
Kicking the ball into action, all the soldiers began to chase for a goal.I fly across the sky. I score a goal with excitement
my eyes focus on the ball like an eagle
my arms reach up to the sky as i scream with happiness.

That next minute the most amazing thing happened  we all heard a bang boom   all of our faces were filled with sadness we all knew that we had to go back to the trenchers. we all said by we were so sad that we would have to come back and kill them  i oto said a big thank you then we all went back to the trenches.

Sunday 5 October 2014

stormy weather 
one cold saturday bang bang i herd on my roof it was soo wet i had to stay home all day 
i watched a bout 3 movies .that day i felt very cold i also had lots of hot chocolate it was so nice and 
relaxing .


me and my dad 
2 of October me and my dad went into the truck and took some containers to wellington  .On the way went throw the desert road we sour a mountain  with snow on it .Then stayed in dannivirke .
 next day we went back to hamilton  that was a long trip i had.

Monday 29 September 2014


jump bounce slip sweat fun leap 
Monday the 29th  me and my family went to leap my favourite part of leap was the foam  pit . You got to bounce onto a tramp and that leads to a foam pit by the next hour  it was time over we got out of the building and  we had a drink .time to hop in the car i hear my mum say .After that we went to macdonaldonalds 
uuuuu in so full then the day was over .

Wednesday 3 September 2014

Left behind bars and forgotten .animals should not behind bars walking back and forth over and over over.they will become more and more lazier . and build more and more diseases in there body's . Also that will course more deaths in the enclose .they are in a tight space so they cant escape the diseases .In the zoos they have very tight spaces but in the wild they can be free .There are Meany things that they can not do like climb swim and Meany other  things .Also people have to pay money to watch the Bord animals . DO YOU THINK THAT ANIMALS SHOULD BE IN ZOOS

Friday 1 August 2014


Me and Larnie have picked this experiment  because we wondered what it would do. poor some water into 5 cups then mix all the ingredyince in them. 
2.get 1 more cup and poor some beetroot or cabbage juice in.
3.write down what you think is going to happen. 
4.slowly poor the juice into the 5 cups and see what happens 
O.M.G the water and ingredients have made lots of coloured 
By Emma 

Thursday 3 July 2014

go out side

Why you should go out-side!

Get outside and get fit and go for a run and eat the right food .You will live a happy life If you don't follow all of these instructions you will get lots of diseases would you like that to be you. if you don't go and get fit your life will be bad.

book review

Monday 9 June 2014


A is for ANZAC
ANZAC day is on the 25 of April . It is celebrated by getting up at dawn because  they landed in  Gallipoli at dawn. Every ANZAC day we wear a poppy. We have a ANZAC day to think about the people  who  died in the war .
The poppies got chosen to be

the symbol of remembrance because they were in the fields during the war.

Friday 23 May 2014


                                          I like this picture  because  the back round  is not blurry
                                          I like this photo because its  on a back round

                                                     iIlike this because it is diagonal

Friday 16 May 2014

Visual Arts- Photography

the tree is good because it has a cool background.

milk i like it because the sun is not blocking it.

Feijoa i like the angle is very good i like it.

Wednesday 9 April 2014

in art we learnt 
about blending it was could sun set i was not that good be for we learnt 
i like art it is fun.By Emma

Friday 21 March 2014

My funny poem

                           My funny poem
There was a girl who collected keys 
She used to stick them to her knees
Most of all she liked pears 
that she gave to her carebears 
she liked to pay her fees with cheese .

Wednesday 5 March 2014

                                                water sports  

Water sports it was so fun because i came first in the walking race I also came first in frestail that was so fun . I also came 3rd in backstroke. 

                             by Emma                                   

Monday 3 March 2014

About me

hi my name is emma welcome to my blog
I am a year 5
I am 9 years old
I have two sisters
when i get older i want to be a hear dresser
I have one dog and two cats
I live in nz
I like to play net ball