Wednesday 3 December 2014


Dear Mother And Father
Merry christmas and a happy new year how is everybody.? Did you have a good christmas dinner?.  Here in the trenches it is cold , wet and damp. I have to sleep on cardboard  Here is the story about the christmas truce….

We all were in our trenches waiting wordley and then one of the soldiers slowly reached out and saw the other army and shouted WAR WAR SHOOT SHOOT.  Doing what they were told the other soldiers get ready to shoot but I Jim stand up rather shackley with my hands rather high in the air I said TRUCE TRUCE. So then the other army stopped and slowly came out of the trench

We all went to play a game of football. Out went the ball with a big kick i reach my hands up to the sky as i get a goal. My mouth widens with a big smile
My arms stretch up to the sky with a big smile on my face .
Kicking the ball into action, all the soldiers began to chase for a goal.I fly across the sky. I score a goal with excitement
my eyes focus on the ball like an eagle
my arms reach up to the sky as i scream with happiness.

That next minute the most amazing thing happened  we all heard a bang boom   all of our faces were filled with sadness we all knew that we had to go back to the trenchers. we all said by we were so sad that we would have to come back and kill them  i oto said a big thank you then we all went back to the trenches.

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