Thursday 19 February 2015

Emmas article

Banks robbers steal $1billion

Created on February 18, 2015
A group of hackers have stolen up to $1 billion from banks around the world in what is now one of the biggest breaks in banking security known.
Since 2013, these hackers have infiltrated over 100 banks in 30 different countries according to Russian security company Kaspersky Lab.
Once they have gained access to a bank’s computers, they hide in the background for months, familiarizing themselves with the banks’ systems.
The hackers would take screen shots and even videos of employees using their computers to be able to copy their actions.
They use this gathered knowledge to steal money without raising suspicions, programmingATMs to dispense money at specific times or setting up fake accounts and transferring money into them.
It seems the hackers limit their theft to about $10 million before moving on to another bank, part of the reason why the fraud was not detected earlier.
I found this article interesting because i never new some one could rob so meany banks.
This article relates to me because I steal stuff of my sister.
I wonder if there will be more robbers .
I wonder if they have been cort yet .

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