Thursday 30 April 2015


Writing Criteria:
  • Your writing must be about ONE specific moment in time during camp (descending down the abseiling wall, falling out of the kayak, being hit by mud at the estuary during the mud fight).
  • Your writing will only come alive to your reader if you make them feel like they are there. This will happen if you include your senses.
  • You need an engaging opening sentence that will hook your reader in to make them want to read your entire piece.
  • You must include AT LEAST ONE complex sentence anywhere in your writing.
  • Your writing needs to appeal to your audience, so make sure you use the ‘show don’t tell’ technique for each of your senses.

Planning / Prewriting:

My chosen moment in time is:
Feel/ Touch
the river
people talking
trickling water in between my toes
cold water
fresh air
salt air
A simile or metaphor I will use:

my arms were as fast as a cheater
Sequence - make notes about the order you will write about your moment in time.
First: getting there
Then: getting on the kayak
Finally: going myacking  
My opening sentence: the slippery cold water trickles between my toes

Craft your piece of writing here, using your planning/brainstorming (do not open a new document).

Start under here:

the cold slipry water trikels betwen my toes as I start to shiver my way on the kayak.My arms race as fast as a cheter.While I try to keep my balince .This is so fun I say to my self with a shiver .After a while kyaking we all gather into a circle and try to swap kayaks with the person next to us that was so much fun .We all start kayacking back to the surfus and then we where of back to camp.

Screenshot 2015-04-30 at 10.37.44 AM.png   

1 comment:

  1. WOW!!! Emma I like how you used your describing words full stops where there ment to go.
