Wednesday 29 July 2015


I strongly believe that the school holidays should be longer than two weeks my opinion is that …

My first opinion is if the holidays are too short you and your family will not have enough time to do what you want. Such as going over seas and relaxing for One week and doing jobs the other week. So if  you had three weeks you could have One week to clean and one to chill and the last one to catch up with your family. And this way you could do everything in one holiday you could even go over seas.You would only waste one week traveling and when you get there you.

Will need more time to get all of your jobs done. You will waste all of your holiday doing jobs but if it was longer you could do anything you want to.


  1. I liked your opening sentence Emma. Nice strong language. We will work on coming up with more ideas for your argument next week.

  2. I liked how you used persuasive language like I strongly believe.

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