Tuesday 8 September 2015


The Southland Museum is calling on Southlander’s to collect live Huhu grubs to feed its very hungry tuataras. Over 100 tuataras have come out of hibernation and the museum does not have enough Huhu grub food stocks to feed them. The tuatara curator, Lindsay Hazley, said that Tuataras eat a variety of insects but Huhu grubs are the ‘safest’ for members of the public to collect for the reptiles.
While the museum is pleading for the public to collect Huhu grubs, they are asking that they are gathered from more natural areas rather than city areas. This is because city areas are ridden with pesticides, from which the insects must build up the immunity to face. So there is a preference that grubs come from outside of the city boundary where there is no contamination.
For huhu grub first timers, the best time to find the insects is under rotten logs with finger-sized holes in them, which is usually a sign of grub infestation. While lots of people liken the grubs to the taste of peanut butter, for the tuatara the insects are a lovely thick shake.This looks verry interesting I hope i can learn more about this cool animal.

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