Thursday 13 August 2015

Five year old saves family

Five year old saves family

Created on August 7, 2015
A 5 year old girl in Canada has been hailed a hero after she saved her family after a horrific car crash.
After her mother fell asleep at the wheel and their SUV veered down a 40-foot ridge, Lexi Shymanski managed to get out of the wreckage and climbed up a steep bank to find help.
The little girl managed to flag down a passing car and explain to the driver what had happened, leading him back to where her mother and 10 week old baby brother were still trapped. A second driver, who happened to be a paramedic, also came to help.
Lexi’s mother broke her back in 2 places in the crash and is now confined to a wheelchair. 10 week old Peter had to undergo surgery to reduce brain swelling.
$19,000 has been raised to help the family and although Lexi doesn’t know it, she’s definitely a hero.

this is the best story ive seen so far on kiwi kids news 


  1. Amazing! I can't believe hers only 5. I like how you said at the end 'this is the best story ive seen so far on kiwi kids news.'

  2. Amazing!!!! I can't believe that a 5 year old saved her family. I wonder if I could of done that when i was 5.
