Thursday 13 August 2015

we need a spa

Why we should have a spa!!!!!!!  

My family should be able to have a spa, but my mum is just not letting us. Even my dad wants one. So we've got to convince my Mum to let us have one.
This is also a good idea because we all want to have a warm relaxing time with our family so you can catch up  and talk. I think we should definitely have one Also it would be a good excuse to invite my friends over. You could just say that they can come for a spa.

My Dad really wants one because he wants to relax before he goes to bed because Has to get up early and he needs time to relax. Spas are relaxing and warm perfect for the winter. We can invite friends over and chill on a winters night.

Mum can we please have a spa before the winter is over.It would be relaxing before and after school it would save us walking up the road to go to the neighbor's house especially in the cold.
Yours Sincerely Emma
So i strongly believe we need one.


  1. My star is that you have great excuses for friends to come over and why you need one. My wish is that you could use stuff like I strongly believe and firstly at the start of you paragraphs

  2. I think you should get a spa because you used a lot of excuses about your friends coming over.And spas are good to have in the winter.
