Monday 7 December 2015

book Veview

the book that I Read this week was called dork diaries . It is by Rachel Renee Russel.It is about A girl having a crush on a boy . I really thought that this book was so cool .My favorite part was when she had a end of year sleepover.

Wednesday 18 November 2015

Random words

We have been practicing creating complex sentences using random words from a book.

smiles all around as I did a cool trick.

I sore my stinky socks lying around my other clothes .

if i mix my stuff up in my laboratory it would of gone boom!  

I went to China with regan and her nanna and after that we had dinner.

As i stood outside my house i watched the bricks go up.

I examined the jungle as a bear came and punched my in the face.

Wednesday 21 October 2015

home learning

home learning backing

Screenshot 2015-10-21 at 4.57.03 PM.pngI thought that it would be a good idea to make a chocolate cake. the thing i could of done better was made sure that it was not crispy on the sides. The thing that was the good thing was that it was nice and moist inside of the cake.
The moment has come when I have taken my sister’s phone and she is about to enter her room when she will find out that her phone is gone.I can feel my heart beating really fast. I hear her running towards me. She gets closer and closer. I have had enough, time to take as many pictures as I can. Suddenly she finds me! I scream, ‘Ahhh!’

I see her running towards me with her fist ready to punch me. And with a bang she hits me I hit to the ground. I slowly get back up with pain in my face.It feels so hot that I feel like I am going to explode, and it’s throbbing really bad. My eyes fill with tears. I say to her we are even now, so you don't tell on me, and I don´t tell on you Deal we both say.

Diamonds beat Silver Ferns

Diamonds beat Silver Ferns

Created on October 21, 2015
silver ferns
The Australian Diamonds have won the first match of the Constellation Cup with a 50-44 win against New Zealand.
The game was held in Christchurch and is the first of the 4 tests in the Constellation series.
Although the Silver Ferns started well, the experience of the Australian team showed int he middle part of the game.
Silver Ferns coach Waimarama Taumaunu said she was satisfied with the performance of several of her young players, shooter Bailey Mes in particular.
The next game of the cup will take place in Auckland on Thursday, and the final two games of the tournament will be played across the Tasman.

Christchurchs 135km bike trail

Christchurchs 135km bike trail

Created on October 14, 2015
After more than 20 years in the making a 135 kilometre walking trail around Christchurch has opened. The Christchurch trail links existing pathways, with one stage from Avonhead in the west and another from Godley Heads in the east. The man behind the trail, ecologist Colin Meurk, said that the walk will be a great way for locals and tourists to enjoy the natural diversity of Christchurch.
The trail is broken down into eight stages, however it does not form a complete circuit as a route can not be marked alongside roads with speeds higher than 50km per hour.
The idea for the trail was first floated in 1991, but both costs and the Canterbury earthquakes delayed the progress. But with local rotary clubs volunteering their time to install the markers and the City Council funds coming through, its establishment has been a real community effort.
This would be so hard and it would take for ever.

Tuesday 13 October 2015

Fish slime could make clothes

Fish slime could make clothes

Created on April 8, 2013
fish slime
Scientists are looking into the possibility of using fish slime to make clothing.
The best slime comes from the hagfish which is a spineless creature that lives at the bottom of the ocean and dates back as far as 500 million years.
It doesn’t have jaws but has a special way of defending itself – letting out slime!
When a shark bites a hagfish, its mouth and gills are quickly covered in slime and the shark has to back off, or face suffocation.
The slime is so strong and stretchy scientists believe it could be turned into tights, breathable athletic wear or even bullet-proof vests.
But don’t worry, it is going to be a long time before we see it in our wardrobes. Scientists say they first need to find ways to raise slime production, either by increasing the number of hagfish or making a similar slime in labs.
Check out the clip above to see a hagfish slime-defence in action.

Thursday 24 September 2015

Hub moving

Hub moving
Did you know that at David Street School Hub Two is moving into the hall? So if you are interested In finding out more and how we are getting on well keep reading.
We are learning in one big hub with 75 kids with three teachers. We are finding it so hard to not be too loud. And staying on task. So to help  the teachers have put a chart to say where we are allowed to sit. Red means you have to sit by the teachers .A and orange Mean  you have to sit where the teacher can see if you are on task and last of all green. And if your name is on green you can sit where you want to sit.I think we are working quite good with the noise from the construction.

And one thing I like about being in the Hall is working with other people.And getting to work with different teachers.As well as being in a new invirament. I really find working in one big classRoom. And cool to have the opportunity to work in different spaces and environments. In my opinion I like being in one big hub.

Tuesday 22 September 2015

OZ to Live after killing zoo keeper

OZ to Live after killing zoo keeper

Created on September 22, 2015
In a statement provided by Hamilton Zoo it has been reaffirmed that ‘Oz’, the Sumatran tiger that mauled a woman to death will not be put down.  Oz’s victim Samantha Lynda Kudeweh, 43, was a beloved member of the Hamilton zoo team and had been a zoo keeper for over 20 years.
In a statement released by the Hamilton Zoo, it was said that 11-year-old tiger Oz will not be euthanised. As they assured the public and zoo supporters that they have no reason to put him down. They recognise that there is an inherent risk for zoo professionals to manage big cats like Oz, hence they have no logical reason to put him down.
In a statement released a short time ago, Kudeweh’s family thanked the public and the global zoo community for their messages of support over the past couple of days.This is so sad

Thursday 17 September 2015

my funny story

One day I was at school, and I was banging a really sharp pencil and I was hitting it into a glow stick and boom it hit my hand so I ran to the the office they rang my mum. Me and mum went to the doctor, and luckily led is not poisonous.

Tuesday 15 September 2015

Ko becomes youngest major winner

Ko becomes youngest major winner

Created on September 14, 2015
lydia ko
Lydia Ko has become the youngest woman to win a major golf title.
The impressive kiwi golfer produced an impressive eight-under-par final round to win her first major by 6 shots over  American Lexi Thompson.
The world number two Ko finished the tournament 16 under. However, it was her final round, which included eight birdies with no dropped shots, propelling her to the title.
At 18 years, 4 months and 20 days, Ko is six months younger than Morgan Pressel, the previous youngest major champion, when she won the 2007 Kraft Nabisco Championship.
“It’s amazing that I can leave my name … a little bit in the history books,” said Ko. “Winning at any age is amazing in a major, all players want to peak at their best at a major. To say that I’m the youngest in history for now, it’s so cool.”
Ko’s final round was the lowest by a winner of a women’s major, surpassing the 64 Karen Stupples carded when triumphing at the 2004 British Open.


Watch what you flush!

Created on September 15, 2015
You may think that only human-waste gets flushed down the toilet, but Tauranga City Council has recently conducted a sewerage system investigation which found rather odd items in wastewater pipes. An overhead projector, false teeth, bullets and animal offal are among some of the very unusual items found in the Western Bay of Plenty sewerage system, as contractors face a ‘particularly bad’ run of blockages.
In Tauranga city, approximately 20% of all wastewater overflows are caused by foreign objects which individuals flush down the loo. Other household items commonly found include cellphones, underwear, glasses and children’s toys. Another very random item found in the wastewater system a few years ago was a deep fryer.
To prevent these blockages, city council’s across the country wish to reinforce the basic waste-water rule which is:
“If you didn’t do it, don’t flush it.” I think that this is a very interesting 

Monday 14 September 2015

senior school move

A David Street School we are nocking down the senior school and building a new one this i a real cool experience for us we have moved into the hall and i am finding it really cool to be in a new learning space. And we are finding i really hard to not be to loud I really like being in the hall .

worlds largest feet

World’s Largest Feet

Created on September 14, 2015
A man in Maracay, Venezuela, has taken the record for world’s largest feet in the latest addition of Guinness World Records.
Jeison Orlando Rodriguez Hernandez has a right foot measuring 3.79 inches (9.62 cm) and his left foot measures 3.59 inches (9.12 cm).
The newest edition of the Guinness World Records book was released on the 9th of September, 2015, and Jeison is one of the lucky record holders to be recognised.
I found this weird and gross because i wonder why they grew so big and if he was born like that.

Tuesday 8 September 2015

Gold For NZ Rowers

Gold For NZ Rowers

Created on September 6, 2015
At the World Championships in France the New Zealand rowing crews have claimed another two golds and a silver.
The women’s lightweight double of Julia Edward and Sophie Mackenzie defended their world title. They rowed an outstanding race, taking the lead in the third quarter and then coming home strongly to take the win in a time of 6:53.01.
Edwards was happy with the win: “We’re so stoked, we’re double world champions now, we’re very very excited – our smiles say it all. I had full confidence in Sophie going through halfway we were all pretty level but I was very confident in our last 500 metres.”
“We talked about it before the race and Sophie really ramped us up and she got us going. I think it showed in the race, we took length after length so we’re really rapt.”
Meanwhile, Eric Murray and Hamish Bond continued their winning ways on the water. The Olympic champions won their sixth consecutive world title.
The formidable duo worked their way into the lead to win by a clear margin. The win suggests their continued dominance in the men’s coxless pair will continue for some time yet. It was their sixth consecutive title in the event in an impressive time of 6:15.83.
Bond was delighted with the race, “Really pleased that we could go out there today and execute with a rhythm that I was pleased with. It’s a good time but even more satisfying than the time is just putting a good race together.”


The Southland Museum is calling on Southlander’s to collect live Huhu grubs to feed its very hungry tuataras. Over 100 tuataras have come out of hibernation and the museum does not have enough Huhu grub food stocks to feed them. The tuatara curator, Lindsay Hazley, said that Tuataras eat a variety of insects but Huhu grubs are the ‘safest’ for members of the public to collect for the reptiles.
While the museum is pleading for the public to collect Huhu grubs, they are asking that they are gathered from more natural areas rather than city areas. This is because city areas are ridden with pesticides, from which the insects must build up the immunity to face. So there is a preference that grubs come from outside of the city boundary where there is no contamination.
For huhu grub first timers, the best time to find the insects is under rotten logs with finger-sized holes in them, which is usually a sign of grub infestation. While lots of people liken the grubs to the taste of peanut butter, for the tuatara the insects are a lovely thick shake.This looks verry interesting I hope i can learn more about this cool animal.

The Wonderful World of Jello

The Wonderful World of Jello

Created on September 8, 2015
Do you like jelly? That jiggly wiggly dessert that’s fun and colourful has always been a favourite treat around the world.
The wobbly substance is also perfect for making some pretty awesome creations if you want to impress party guests. Check out the pictures below of some jelly creations!
I think this would be so cool for a birthday cake and i could have any design you want .

Monday 31 August 2015

real life elsa

Real-life Elsa?

Created on December 3, 2014
19 year old, Anna Faith Carlson, has become famous for looking like the real-life version of Frozen’s Elsa!
Anna became an online sensation after she posted a picture standing next to a cardboard cut-out of the ice princess, Elsa.
Anna says that she herself finds the similarities between herself and the Disney character a “crazy resemblance” and says that it feels as though she is watching herself when she watches Frozen.
Now with over half a million followers on Instagram, Anna uses her fairytale looks to help others, she and her sister, Lexus, teaming up and visiting sick children in hospital as Elsa and Ana.
Anna’s fame has grown rapidly and she has already been offered modelling jobs and acting roles on US shows.
Have a look at the pictures below, do you agree Anna looks like the real-life Elsa? She looks amazing.

Wednesday 26 August 2015

cross country

im helping david school with their cross country i will be helping to tell the kids where to go. Im telling you how  will feel and if I will be happy or sad so keep reading on and i will tell you more.

I'm standing there and watching all of the kids get ready for the race and getting warmed up. They are looking nervous. All of a sudden I hear ready set go I turn my head and i watch the kids zoom past my friend tim the starting line . I hear huffing and groaning as they push past me. They lean on me to try to give them a boost .I give them a cheer so they all start to sprint to the finish.

I say slowly to myself finally i don't have to stand in the wet sweaty grass and be so bored. all of a sudden there is no one there i'm stuck sunbathing in the sun well everyone else i celebrating.

Saturday 22 August 2015

British couple become oldest people to marry

British couple become oldest people to marry

Created on August 21, 2015
oldest couple
George Kirby (103 years old) and Doreen Luckie (91 years old) have become the oldest couple to get married.
The British couple have been together for 27 years and finally said their vows in southern England with family and friends on George’s 103rd birthday.
George and Doreen have a combined age of 194 years, beating the previous record set by a French couple with a combined age of 191 years.
Between them George and Doreen  have 7 children, 15 grandchildren and 7 great-grandchildren.
I wonder if they have did yet or if they are still alive.

Wednesday 19 August 2015

Kermit and Miss Piggy break up

Kermit and Miss Piggy break up

Created on August 11, 2015
kermit and miss piggy
Muppets fans have been left shocked after Miss Piggy and Kermit the Frog announced the end of their long-running love affair.
On each of their social media accounts they said “after thoughtful consideration and considerable squabbling, we have made the difficult decision to terminate our romantic relationship”.
The pair will still work together but their personal lives will be separate. They are now free to see other people, pigs and frogs.
A TV expert said Hollywood is a place where relationships are difficult to have alongside the fame and fortune.
It seems unlikely that the couple will patch things up. this is not good because it is sad that they are fighting 

Monday 17 August 2015

Want to live like a Royal?

Want to live like a Royal?

Created on August 17, 2015
royal homes
If you have ever wanted to live like a royal here is your chance!
Two holiday houses at Queen Elizabeth’s Sandringham Estate are now available to rent and whoever moves in will be the neighbours of Prince William and Catherine the Duchess of Cambridge.
Ever since the arrival of William and Kate’s second child, Princess Charlotte, they have been living at Anmer Hall in the Sandringham Estate, alongside the two holiday homes.
One of the available houses is known as the Garden House and overlooks the square garden where the royal family spend Christmas each year. A week long stay at Garden House will cost £625 ( $1494.90 NZ).
The second house is slightly cheaper with prices starting at £600 ($1435.10 NZ).
 this is interesting because it would be so cool to live in a big house.

Tall Blacks Win Stankovic Cup

Tall Blacks Win Stankovic Cup

Created on August 11, 2015
The New Zealand men’s basketball team have won their second Stankovic Cup title – adding to their win in 2011. The Tall Blacks narrowly defeated Mexico 70-66 in the final in China.
It was a final quarter push that gave them the title. Mexico came back in the third-quarter and even managed a narrow lead in the final 10 minutes, but the Tall Blacks pushed at both ends of the floor to take the gameand the title.
The win will give the Kiwis confidence as they prepare for a home and away contest against Australia – the winner will qualify for the Rio Olympic Games.
“It is important that we enjoy this and take the time to reflect on what we have achieved,” said head coach Paul Henare. “These moments are rare for New Zealand basketball and we need to take the chance to be proud of what we have done, be humble but be proud.
I found this cool becauses nz got the cup witch is so cool

Thursday 13 August 2015

we need a spa

Why we should have a spa!!!!!!!  

My family should be able to have a spa, but my mum is just not letting us. Even my dad wants one. So we've got to convince my Mum to let us have one.
This is also a good idea because we all want to have a warm relaxing time with our family so you can catch up  and talk. I think we should definitely have one Also it would be a good excuse to invite my friends over. You could just say that they can come for a spa.

My Dad really wants one because he wants to relax before he goes to bed because Has to get up early and he needs time to relax. Spas are relaxing and warm perfect for the winter. We can invite friends over and chill on a winters night.

Mum can we please have a spa before the winter is over.It would be relaxing before and after school it would save us walking up the road to go to the neighbor's house especially in the cold.
Yours Sincerely Emma
So i strongly believe we need one.

Five year old saves family

Five year old saves family

Created on August 7, 2015
A 5 year old girl in Canada has been hailed a hero after she saved her family after a horrific car crash.
After her mother fell asleep at the wheel and their SUV veered down a 40-foot ridge, Lexi Shymanski managed to get out of the wreckage and climbed up a steep bank to find help.
The little girl managed to flag down a passing car and explain to the driver what had happened, leading him back to where her mother and 10 week old baby brother were still trapped. A second driver, who happened to be a paramedic, also came to help.
Lexi’s mother broke her back in 2 places in the crash and is now confined to a wheelchair. 10 week old Peter had to undergo surgery to reduce brain swelling.
$19,000 has been raised to help the family and although Lexi doesn’t know it, she’s definitely a hero.

this is the best story ive seen so far on kiwi kids news 

Original Milo on sale for at least $4000

Original Milo on sale for at least $4000

Created on August 12, 2015
Stocking up on 273 packets of classic tasting Milo may sound crazy but has turned out to be an excellent idea for Taranaki man, Shaun Harris.
After discovering that Nestle would be changing the original and well-loved recipe for Milo, Shaun went on a Milo shopping spree, buying up 143 kilos of the chocolate drink.
Now with most of NZ desperate to get their hands on the classic Milo, Shaun has taken to Trade Me, offering his entire stash to one lucky buyer for a price of at least $4000.
So far no one has been willing to spend that small fortune but Shaun says if no one buys the lot by November he will sell them separately. Shaun believes that selling them individually in time for Christmas will offer a great present idea.
I think this should not be at this price this is not good we should be able to by it for at lest 5.oo$ or a little bit more 

Tuesday 11 August 2015

cross country

My goil for cross country is to do the fill track without stopping and just funning .

women cries crystals

Woman Cries Crystal Tears

Created on August 10, 2015
Laura Ponce from Brazil has a rare medical condition – she cries crystal tears!
It may sound pretty awesome but in fact the condition is very painful for 35 year old Laura. When she cries, Laura’s eyes create a white clot which turns to solid crystal after she blinks and it reaches the eye’s surface.
Laura first discovered the crystal tears when she was 15 and her mother took her to the emergency room. The doctor was just as mystified as Laura.
The condition has caused Laura’s eyes to swell often and has caused infection, forcing Laura to take 6 months off work as she removed up to 30 hard crystals from her eyes each day. The crystals would then form a membrane over her eye.

For over 20 years, no one could explain Laura’s condition until she met Dr. Raul Goncalves, an ophthalmologist specialist. He believes the crystal tears are a result in Laura’s eyes producing excessive amounts of keratin protein.
I found this weird because where would the crystals come from  ? And how would they get in he body . 

Tuesday 4 August 2015

my goals for this term

My goals for my next piece of persuasive writing is to put my paragraphs into structure


Pajama Bus Thief

Created on September 10, 2014
A city bus in Saskatoon, Canada, was stolen by a 9 year old boy in pajamas and taken for a ride!
The bus stopped after it hit a truck and then another bus. Fortunately, no one was injured although the bus did gain a cracked windshield and a broken mirror.
The bus was left at the garage with the engine running by a maintenance worker and the young boy climbed in and took off.
The boy won’t face any charges due to his age.
Article written by  D Mulhern
i found this so weird because i thought that this 9 year old boy in his pjs could steel a bus and then drive it away. and not die .

Wednesday 29 July 2015


I strongly believe that the school holidays should be longer than two weeks my opinion is that …

My first opinion is if the holidays are too short you and your family will not have enough time to do what you want. Such as going over seas and relaxing for One week and doing jobs the other week. So if  you had three weeks you could have One week to clean and one to chill and the last one to catch up with your family. And this way you could do everything in one holiday you could even go over seas.You would only waste one week traveling and when you get there you.

Will need more time to get all of your jobs done. You will waste all of your holiday doing jobs but if it was longer you could do anything you want to.

Monday 27 July 2015


Minion saves young girl

A young girl is lucky to be alive after falling from a third-floor window and police are saying a minion from Despicable Me saved her life.
The 5 year old girl was playing in her bedroom in her third-floor apartment when she fell backwards and fell through the window.
As she fell, the little girl managed to keep hold of her stuffed minion toy which helped cushion her fall.
She was released from hospital with a broken arm but fortunately no other injuries.
i found this interesting because i never knew that a minion could save someone
and i never thought that she would of lived.

Tuesday 21 July 2015


In The Holidays 

In the holidays i went to the movies. We hopped into the car and drove of to hamilton cinemas. We watch minions me and my two sister where very excited. When we got there we parked up and went in to get our popcorn and drink. And we sat down to relax and chill to watch minions.

Monday 20 July 2015

term 3

In term 3 i'm looking forward to making new friends and learning new things and being happy to try out with aerobics choir because i like to sing and have fun and i am also looking forward to cross country and getting fit  

Monday 29 June 2015


   we get to school we get our dss t-shirt and then we went back to our class to wait. finally the time has come to hop into the cars and off we go to claudelands

We get to hamilton  get our bands on then we go into the stage area and they say the roles and what we had to do . Then all of a sudden the music just turned on and everyone was dancing .

Heaps or the day has gone by the time that we have to get ready and have diner. After all or that we get our hair done and hopped into our costumes it was time the lady said. She took us to backstage and we sat quietly until it was our turn to perform . Next minute fun on stage every one the music starts we start performance and befor we now it's over .

Thursday 7 May 2015

writing goal

mud fight

My chosen moment in time is: mud fight
Feel/ Touch
slimy mud
crunchy moose

mud flying
whistling wind
chopping wind
the smell of rotorua
sweety air
A simile or metaphor I will use:the mud squishes between my toes like chocolate moose.

Sequence - make notes about the order you will write about your moment in time.
My opening sentence:as i walk to get to the mudfight i start to smell ✓

As we walk to get to the mudfight  i start to smell a slimy mushy smale what a all fill  smale .ok where here the teachers say and then they start to say we can play in it . All of the kids run and say fight we can see mud flying everywhere .after the teacher say its time to go back to camp we all walked back to camp uncomfortable .It felt like slimy moose and smells like rotorua. the chopping wind is making me shiver.  Aswell as the sweety air brushing past me .mud